Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Feeling Safer?

Well, it's legal to carry around loaded guns, including assault rifles, in Arizona, even at an appearance of President Obama. Sigh. I don't get how more people carrying firearms makes us safer. The main problem for me is that I think that as our population has risen, so too has the number of mentally unbalanced and irrational among us. Even in states that don't allow "concealed carry," the number of people whipping out guns to "settle" disputes is staggering. There was a recent news article in which a few guys got into a fight over cutting in line at a roadside food cart in Tampa, FL. After one punch was thrown, one pulled out a gun, shot the other guy in the dispute, and also shot a bystander, who later died.

I just don't get how adding more guns, and concealed ones at that, makes any of us safer. It sure doesn't feel safer. Doesn't the Secret Service have enough to do without also having to watch people marching around the perimeter of a Presidential rally with firearms? How many more school kids in Chicago are going to die
in gun violence before Americans get fed up with the National Rifle Association and its unbridled and well-funded campaign to put guns in everyone's hand?

The reality in which we live in 2009 is vastly different than the America of the late 18th century when the Constitution (including the Second Amendment) was adopted. Even if the Founding Fathers really believed everyone should have the right to own a firearm back then, I sincerely doubt they anticipated the largely non-agricultural and densely populated nation we've become. Furthermore, they certainly wouldn't have anticipated the changes in the weapons themselves. I might not object to everyone having a musket to carry around, as opposed to an AK47 assault rifle. The musket took a long time to load, long enough for the others in line for the food cart to get out of the way. Or to beat the crap out of the musket carrier as he was reloading...


Amanda said...

I agree! It is funny to think about everyone carrying muskets around, though...And a big bag of shot. That would weigh people down a bit, making it easier for non-musketed people to run away, or like you said, beat them up.

Michael said...

Muskets would put a very different spin on a lot things, such as drive-bys and gang crossfire...

Anonymous said...

Carrying muskets might do some damage to the concealed carry laws...

Anonymous said...

I'm dismayed that a gun owner's right to bring a gun to a political event trumps a non-gun owner's right to attend the event free of fear. I think about a scenario where one gun owner makes a movement - maybe just a sneeze or swatting a mosquito - and another gun owner thinks the first one is going for his gun, so he fires, and then all the other guns come out. Horrors!

Michael said...

Shades of the "wild west." Unfortunately, the Constitution didn't enshrine freedom from fear when it established a right to bear arms.