Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Fastfood Is (Not) Like Any Other

Open Letter to McDonald's Corporation:

Based on personal experience, you have nothing to fear from Subway's foray into serving breakfast foods.  Their menu sounds decent enough, but the execution is, well, not very impressive.  The crew didn't seem to know how to assemble the breakfast and the components tasted like they had been sitting around for a couple hours.  Which they probably had been.  I was asked if I wanted "white or yellow" (egg) and my choice was "yellow" (if I was that health conscious I wouldn't be getting breakfast at a fastfood restaurant).  I got both.  The five (count 'em) hash brown "patties" were hard by the time I got home.  And "Seattle's Best" coffee?  Not so best.

Perhaps corporations might be advised to stick with what they know instead of trying to fill every niche.  Maybe I won't be using the rest of those coupons.  

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