Sunday, October 17, 2010

Local vs Global - Part Deux

In my August 24, 2010 post, I wrote about the increasing requests for political donations for candidates for office where I don't live.   It makes me uncomfortable to, in effect, tell people thousands of miles away that I know what's good for them better than they do.

It recently occurred to me that one possible reason for the increasing requests could be corporate involvement in political campaigns.   Based on last Winter's Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited corporate funding of campaigns, it's clear that companies are not hesitant to flood large amounts of cash into the system (often anonymously).   Since that's the equivalent of someone possibly thousands of miles away telling me who to vote for (or against), perhaps it's natural that individuals are being asked to respond by donating cash to far off campaigns.

It still makes me uncomfortable. 


Robin said...

There is anl political axiom that "all politics is local" Perhaps the effect of the Supreme Court decision will chang that to "all politics is global"

Michael said...

It's beginning to look that way. :-(