Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vacation More Important Than Doing Their Jobs

So, the House finally passed the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act by a vote of 206-60 on 12/22/10.   You might notice that there were only 266 House members voting.   You might notice that there were about 169 Representatives missing in action.  The majority of the missing Members apparently are Republicans who left town early (i.e., before the House adjourned) for the "Holiday."  According to the Washington Post:
The bill passed Wednesday evening by a vote of 206 to 60 after House leaders had held open the vote for more than an hour, presumably for members who were still hustling to make their way over to the Capitol on the final day of the 111th Congress' lame-duck session.
Missing Wednesday's vote were nearly 170 House members, 100 more than had been missing in action for the previous day's votes. Thirty Republicans had joined all but one Democrat, Mississippi's Gene Taylor, in supporting the measure
It's just another example of why most people hold politicians in such low regard.  


robin said...

How about a meaningless vote to repeal health care? Even if they could somehow convince the Senate to go along (not likely), they still can't overide a certain veto. But they will spend the time, the effort and produce nothing but sound-bites for their re-election campaigns

Michael said...

I don't understand that either. It mystifies me that the GOP really believes that the majority of voters want the thing repealed. Of course, the Democrats will undoubtedly handle it badly and let these jerks off the hook for their wasting time and energy to repeal something the middle class and poor need.