Monday, April 19, 2010

More Alike Than You Think

Marketplace on National Public Radio had an intriguing and even uplifting story recently about an unusual partnership.   Two companies, one marketing kosher meats, and the other selling halal meats, work fairly closely together with common goals.   The Jewish and Muslim dietary laws governing how meat is slaughtered and processed are very similar, and these two companies both decided to take it another step.   They both have rules to ensure the animals they slaughter are not raised in "factory farms" and are treated humanely while they're alive.  The fact that they both came up with this business plan independently and found out about each other via a mutual friend makes the story even more pleasant.   

This story is another example of "we are more alike than different."   And it's nice to hear about a Jew and  Muslim cooperating and working together on similar goals rather than shooting each other.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I still like the comment someone made, "They don't produce any pork and shrimp kabobs"