One of the signs of a lousy economy is that those who have jobs are willing to endure things they wouldn't have a few years ago in order to keep their jobs. This is perhaps one of the reasons that productivity levels in the US have stengthened during this Recession. Simply put, fewer workers are performing more work, which makes them more productive. Less happy, more tired, more stressed, but more productive. At some point, one would hope, the economy will improve to the point that employers will resume hiring and those already working will be able to have slightly smaller workloads. I suspect that won't happen soon, because employers won't become nicer until they have to.
This comic puts the concept of making employees happy in perspective.
I doubt they'll become nicer anytime soon. I think the days of having "company fat" that allows for vacations, creative projects, LONG brainstorming sessions and essoteric training is a thing of the past for the next 20 or so years. As long as there is a forseeable surplus of employees for the positions, managers and CEO's won't see any reason to 'coddle the help'
I heard a news report within the past couple of weeks that said that some economic group is projecting huge numbers of unfilled jobs by 2018 due to retiring baby boomers. Supposedly the numbers of youngsters entering the workforce will be far below the numbers needed. I wish I could remember where I read/heard about it. :-(
We can always dream. Too many jobs and too few workers also means benefits to us 'old farts'. They may BEG us to give them a few hours a week of our wisedom. (OK, OK. but you have to admit it's a great fantasy)
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