The weirdness in question is the behavior of the Texas School Board, which has been in the news lately regarding it's curriculum adoptions. The Board has been controlled by a group of what many refer to as extremist evangelicals who have determined that all school textbooks in Texas must follow their agenda, which apparently is not primarily based on facts, but on their beliefs. Case in point: Texas textbooks must teach that the US was founded as a "Christian nation." The historical evidence is quite the contrary, as this article in the Chicago Tribune points out in some detail. The list of historical distortion and rewriting is long; read the NY Times article for the gory details.
Why care about what some goofballs in Texas are doing? Because Texas is so large, and because it purchases so many school textbooks, what it says must be in those textbooks is closely followed by publishers. The result is that those same books are used in most schools around the country, regardless of whether those other schools subscribe to the one-sided and less-than-factual "curriculum."
What can you do about it? Hope that most schools ditch large purchases of textbooks in favor of electronic media sooner rather than later.
I like the idea. If school districs were to requir or issue computers to the students rather than textbooks, the kids mite actually LEARN stuff rather than merely learn to parrot back whateveer the PTB in charge believe
There are increasing numbers of school districts that simply can't afford text books any more!
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